Payment details VAT-declaration

What are the payment details for the vat-declaration or declaration turnover tax? If you are an entrepreneur you usually have to pay VAT to the Tax Authorities. This is possible on a monthly basis, quarterly or annually, depending on your declaration period.

Once a year you receive a letter with payment details for the entire year. These payment details will need to be included with the payment, so the Tax Authorities can determine what declaration goes with what payment. If you no longer have the declaration letter and therefore cannot look up the payment details, it is fairly simple to determine your own payment details. You can use the ‘omrekenmodule (conversion module) of the Tax Authorities. If this link does not work, then the Tax Authorities can be reached by going to the website of the Dutch Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst) and search for ‘omrekenmodule). Indicate that you wish to know your payment details, enter your social security number and select the letter ‘B’ (for BTW; VAT)

Pay attention!

If the vat-declaration is for a BV (private LLC), VOF (partnership firm) or foundation, the fiscal number of the entity must be used. This usually starts with the number 8. Finally, you will need the final 6 numbers of your declaration number. It starts with the last two numbers of your vat-number (01 if you requested a vat-number once, 02 if you requested a vat number twice, etc.). The final four numbers of the last numbers of your declaration are dependent of the declaration period. In the appendix the final numbers of the various periods of 2014 to 2020 can be found.


You want to know the payment details of your declaration turnover tax third quarter 2017. Your social security number is 1234.56.789 and your vat-number is 1234.56.789.B.01. Enter your social security number - Choose the letter B (BTW), as your final numbers enter 017270. Subsequently the program gives you your payment details for the declaration of the third quarter.

For the time codes (last four numbers of the final numbers) for the year 2014 to 2020 for the month-, quarter-, and annual declaration open this pdf.

For more information or any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us at info [at]