Child-based budget
The child-based budget is a contribution to the expenses of your children up to 18 years. Read whether you are entitled to that in the article below.
How much child-based budget could I be entitled to?
The amount of the budget that you are entitled to, is dependent on your income and that of your possible tax partner and the number of children that are younger than 18 years. The more children you have, the higher the budget could be. Also, the age of your children is important. When the children turn 12 or 16 years old, you will receive more child-based budget. The Tax Authorities developed a tool that can give you an estimate of the amount you are entitled to. You can make a test calculation here.
When are you entitled to the child-based budget?
Conditions for receiving the child-based budget do apply:
- You have one or more children that are younger than 18 years;
- You or another parent receive child benefits. When the child is 16 or 17, and you or the other parent do not receive child benefits, you will need to be able to provide for your child;
- The income of you and your possible partner is not too high. The income limit is dependent on the number of children;
- Your or partner’s wealth is not too high. On January 2022 this cannot exceed €120.020 and your allowance partner the combined wealth cannot exceed €151.767;
- You have the Dutch nationality or a valid residency permit, this also needs to apply to your allowance partner.
Apply for the child-based budget
Child-based budget is not something you generally have to apply for yourself. When you already receive child benefits, the Tax Authorities will check whether you are entitled and if so, you will receive it automatically. When you do not receive a child-based budget, but you could be entitled to it, you can apply for it yourself. You can do so by logging into ‘Mijn Toeslagen’* with your DigiD. Pay attention: the application can only be done by the parent that has also requested the child benefits.
More child-based budget for children in high school
For children from 12 to 17 year that are going to high school or professional education, you will receive more budget. The increased amount is a compensation for the expenses of high school.
Adoption or stepchild
For the child-based budget it does not matter whether your child is your own child, a stepchild or an adoption child. When you receive child benefits for the child, you are also entitled to the child-based budget, when you also meet the aforementioned requirements.
Foster child
Do you have a foster child? Then the following situations are possible:
- You receive foster parent compensation. You will then not receive child benefits for your foster child, and you are not entitled to the child-based budget.
- You do not receive foster parent compensation, but you do receive child benefits for your foster child. In this case, you are entitled to the child-based budget.
- When you have a foster child that is 16 or 17 years old, and you do not receive foster parent compensation or child benefits for the foster child, but you do provide* for the child in food and clothing, among other things. This is the case when at least €440 (2022) is paid for the expenses of living.
Would you like to know more?
From this page* of the Tax Authorities, you can navigate to additional information about the child-based budget. Lexlupa published information about the child-daycare allowance, the healthcare allowance and the rent allowance. We have listed the tax benefits for private individuals here. Do you have any other questions? Feel free to contact us
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*Need help with navigating Dutch websites? Contact us!