Zvw: Health Insurance Act

If you live or work in the Netherlands, you are obliged under the Health Insurance act (Zvw) 2006 to take out a health insurance policy with a Dutch health insurance provider. With the Health Insurance act, the government aims to guarantee that everyone has access to the health care they need.

Why Zvw?

The legal requirement to ensure medical expenses stems from the idea that everyone is entitled to the same level of care. To guarantee that you get the medical care you need in cases of illness, regardless of income or physical condition, everyone in the Netherlands must have at least a basic level of health insurance. This basic insurance covers (part of) any medical expenses incurred. Under this article you will find a listed created by the ‘Consumers Association’ containing the names of all of the Dutch health insurance providers.

Mandatory: Basic insurance

Just as people who live or work in the Netherlands are obliged to take out health insurance, health insurers are obligated to provide health insurance to every citizen. This Basic Compulsory health insurance policy, provides cover for necessary care, aids and medicines. For example, a visit to the GP or a visit to the Emergency Department at a hospital is reimbursed as standard from your basic insurance policy. On this webpageprovided by the the central government you can see an overview of all care that is covered by a basic health insurance package.

Please note: There is a excess or ‘own risk’ for many types of care. After a calendar year, you will still pay the first part of the costs incurred by yourself. The government determines annually how high the mandatory excess is. In 2024, the excess will be €385. The personal contribution for medicines in this year is a maximum of € 250.

Voluntarily: supplementary insurance

Because not all care is covered by a basic health insurance policy, many people choose to voluntarily take out supplementary cover with their health insurer. For example, if you want extra cover for the dentist, alternative medicine, the optician or the physiotherapist, you can arrange additional insurance cover. You pay an additional cost for this on top of your basic insurance. Unlike the basic insurance, the health insurer may determine for itself which content, conditions, costs and reimbursements apply in the supplementary insurance package. It pays to carefully research which additional package is suitable for your needs.  

Premiums: How much does health insurance cost?

In 2024, you will pay an average of €146 per month for basic health insurance. In addition to this premium, healthcare costs are paid from a percentage of the income that employers (or paying agencies) have to pay to the Tax and Customs Administration. In 2024, this employer's levy for the Zvw will be 6.57%.  Self-employed entrepreneurs also have to pay tax for the Zvw: For example, self-employed persons pay 5.32% on their taxable profit in (2024). 

Insuring children

A person up to the age of 18 does not pay any premium and is insured for healthcare costs free of charge. Register your (new-born) child with your current insurance, or register him/her when you take out a new insurance policy. Your child is covered by the same (additional) policy as you.

Take out insurance or switch insurance provider

Do you want to take out health insurance? Or are you considering switching to another health insurance provider or adding supplementary insurance? On the websites of health insurers (see below) you can find out who offers what and what suits you. There are several websites where you can easily compare different insurers and their packages. ConsuWijzer gives tips on how to find a good comparison site.

Health care allowance

To help meet the costs of the health insurance premium you may be eligible for an allowance, if you meet certain conditions. The amount of the allowance depends on your income and the income of your tax partner, if any. People with a lower income receive a higher allowance than people with a higher income. For a single person, the maximum healthcare allowance is €123 (2024) per month and for benefit partners €236 per month. You can apply for healthcare allowance online at the Tax and Customs Administration.

Want to know more?

If you want to delve further into the Zvw and health insurance, the National Health Care Institute is  a good starting point. You can read the entire text of the Zvw here.

Lexlupa wrote this article  (in Dutch) about the healthcare allowance.